Pray For The Bug
A year back with less coding experience, I see code bugs as incompetency of developers. I ones then wanted to stop my dream to be a software developer due to much bugs on my code. Bug seems then to me like a challenge that you are not up to the task or “ coding is not for you”. But, that perception changed when i joined Innovation GrowthHub as an android developer fellow.
I started seen bug as “ you tried but you still got one more thing to fix”. Most global tech industry still suffer the same challenges on their system. They perception of bug has been something that hinders some developers to low productive, some won’t open their IDE hence the bug is not fixed.

I said “PRAY FOR THE BUG”. Yea, some bug won’t show in the test mode of your system testing stages. Some bugs might be compatibility issues, Server crashes, Deprecated code usages e.t.c, these are some bugs you might see after our normal syntax error, run time error, parsing error, logical errors. These errors sometimes might not show up in your own test mode. They might be waiting for you to deliver to the client lol, who will then share the application to multi users using different devices and now the bug shows up. They reaction of the client might make you ask yourself the question relating to the post title “why didn’t it show up when i was testing?”. PRAY FOR THE BUG FOR BETTER PERFORMANCE!.